The Game of Thrones is the most popular show on television with hundreds of hours of content to binge watch. With so much attention and cultural impact, many people are curious about who are the hottest female characters on this show.
Since I am a huge Game of Thrones fan, I decided to do some research and compile the list of hottest Game of Thrones female characters here. I am using a number of criteria when selecting these hot game of thrones female characters including the amount of screen-time, the quality of their acting, and other important factors.
Note: Champion Peoples is not affiliated with any of the actress listed below
Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen)
Emilia Clarke just has one of those faces that looks as though it was carved by angels. Throw in some gorgeous dresses, enchanting long hair (with many intricate styles), and her development from an innocent child to a determined queen, and you have yourself one enthralling character.

I can’t be the only one who swooned each time Khaleesi was on screen. She is definitely one of the most beautiful ladies in GoT, hands down, and the favorite of many as well.
Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell)
If there was ever a Game of Thrones character who was good, true, and pure, it would be Lady Margaery of House Tyrell. She did what she had to do (with Olenna’s help) in order to survive the environments she was thrown into. Her intelligence and likability helped her pull the strings of the weaker-minded people in her life but used that power for good instead of evil.

The Lady Margaery appeared in five seasons before she died in one of the most devastating death scenes in the series, but five wasn’t nearly enough. She had the knowledge and charm that could have carried her through to the end, but she unfortunately got in the way of an even more powerful character who had no problem using darker methods to get what they wanted.
Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister)
Cersei Lannister’s strength comes from her desperation to mask her own weaknesses, turning them into power and manipulation — especially following the deaths of her three children. Her scheming and deception behind the scenes to orchestrate the downfall of Robert Baratheon and later the wildfire explosion at the Great Sept of Baelor are but two of many extreme showings of how terrifying Cersei can be.

While Cersei is a weak and defeated figure in the moments leading up to her death at the end of Game of Throns’ final season, Cersei’s strength and desire, no matter how misguided, carry her through the most difficult of times. She goes head-to-head with Daenerys over the course of the final two seasons and wins a few battles before ultimately losing the war.
Carice van Houten (Melisandre)
Melisandre stands out from nearly everyone else in the series because she is driven largely by her faith, a rare trait in Westeros. Although everyone claims to be pious, very few are true to their word. Melisandre is a messenger and a servant, living only to serve the Lord of Light.

Not exactly a bigot but very obviously a fanatic, Melisandre is among the show’s most eerie and mysterious characters. She crosses many lines and remains a crucial player throughout the story, serving as both a considerable secondary villain and an ally and becoming one of Game of Thrones’ most interesting characters.
Oona Chaplin (Talisa Maegyr)

Talisa Maegyr is the wife of King Robb Stark and she is also a medic. Her relationship with Bran Stark is a great arc on the show and I personally think Talisa’s character adding a lot to the plot. As she was pregnant at the start of the show, her story in this season has been very important for Robb. The fact that she is one of two female characters that met their doom in Episode VII has always caused debate and symbolism about this character. But, does not change how amazing she is.
Rose Leslie (Ygritte)
Jon Snow’s first love is a strong warrior as well as a true friend and comrade. Ygritte’s carefree personality makes for a fun character, but she is also fiercely loyal when the time comes. A Wildling, Ygritte is not bound to societal expectations of women and is much more open-minded about everything, a trait that would influence Jon Snow’s growth and character development.

Alas, Ygritte’s loyalty to the Wildlings’ cause would be her undoing. Still, her spirited personality makes her an indelible part of the Thrones canon, especially in a world where few women were allowed to fight and die for their beliefs.
Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark)

Sophie Turner’s Sansa Stark is the epitome of the medieval wife and the most uninspiring Game of Thrones female character. I get it that this girl is unlucky but hey, she also makes quite disastrous choices. Maybe that’s because the direwolf bonded to her, Lady, was killed at a very early stage. Or maybe this is just how she rolls. Like a proper weak person, she can openly stand up only to the people who actually love her.
Hannah Murray (Gilly)

Gilly is the only female character in the whole series that has no significant roles. This is because she spent most of her storyline with one of the main characters, Samwell Tarly.
Indira Varma (Ellaria Sand)

Ellaria Sand’s character in the series is full of surprises. She witnesses the gruesome death of her lover Obyren at the hands of Lannisters, and watched her daughter being poisoned by Cercie. As a mother, she is protective of her children and fights for them, but she also seeks revenge. She is smart to understand and acknowledge that revenge is not about fight and can take many forms. Taking Cersei head on by plotting revenge, Ellaria’s shrewdness takes her foe Cercei by surprise. Ellaria may not appear as a formidable foe, but she has it in her to fight back for her loved ones.
Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth)
Among the most beloved female Game of Thrones characters, Brienne found out from a young age that men would only marry her for her titles and land, so she opted to be a knight instead. Although angered by Renly’s death, Brienne is not driven by revenge like many other characters in the show but rather by honor and duty.

Gwendolyn Christie delivers a star-making performance as Brienne, turning the valorous knight into a compelling and inspiring hero that audiences could easily root for. Her story with Jaime Lannister ranks as one of the best in the show, and while she is another victim of season eight’s questionable choices, she emerges largely unscathed, thanks to Christie’s unforgettable performance.